Monday, June 19, 2017

¡Hola! from Profe Kati

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
Welcome to Spanish class!
أهلا بك
Ku soo dhowaada!!

Hello, everyone!
As a transplant from Wisconsin via Argentina, Taiwan, New Mexico, and California, I’ve gotten the chance to learn from lots of different populations of students, and I’m so excited to get to share those experiences with you all -- and learn from you, as well!!   

Though I went to undergrad at UW-Madison for English and Spanish literature, I ended up falling in love with teaching during my year in Taipei, Taiwan, so I came back to the states and pursued a Masters degree in teaching from the University of New Mexico. I have been teaching for 9 years, and have been learning and speaking Spanish for over 15 years.   I’ve had the chance to live in Argentina and the Dominican Republic, and have been lucky enough to visit over 10 other Spanish-speaking countries, including Spain!
This will by my third year here in Minneapolis, and I’m so excited to be a part of the Tommie team.  ¡Vamos Tommies - viva el azul y dorado!   Go Tommies!  Long live the blue gold!
With any comments, questions, suggestions, or ideas, please feel free to contact me!

Contact Information:

Looking forward to having a super fantastic school year!!

¡Gracias por leer todo!  ¡Chócamela!